Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

275 - Degree in Physiotherapy

25626 - Medical-surgical conditions II

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
25626 - Medical-surgical conditions II
Faculty / School:
127 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
275 - Degree in Physiotherapy
Second Four-month period
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that has been designed for this subject is based on the following:

The combination of theoretical classes in a large group, seminars in a smaller group (half students), small group work (two to four students) and special importance of personal study. 

5.2. Learning tasks

The program offered to the student to help achieve the expected results includes the following activities:

 1- Theory sessions in large group (46 hours). Explanation and orientation for the personal study of the different contents of the subject, aiming towards the acquisition of competences and learning outcomes. All the resources of the directivity and of the interaction, and the diverse multimedia support will be used.

2 - Problems and cases: Seminars  in two groups (7 hours / group).

3- Group work: Will be done in small groups (2 to 4 students). It aims to stimulate initiative and personal creativity, teamwork, the management of documentary sources, the structuring of a logical discourse and the search and achievement of the conclusive synthesis. All of this is a prerequisite for research. It will focus on a suggested topic subject in relation to the contents of the subject. The extension will be of 10-12 folios, indicating the source of information according to the norms of Vancouver, writing with technical terminology and clear and personal style.

4- Individual Tutorials

5- Personal study (3,5 ECTS): The student should be responsible in the creation of structured schemes and work programs and in the context of the time spent for other subjects. It must represent the step of motivation, fostered with the learning activities described above, to the autonomous exercise of the will.

5.3. Syllabus


Introduction: Medical-surgical nervous system disorders.

Topic 1- Congenital craniocerebral abnormalities. Hydrocephaly. Increased intracranial pressure. Seizures.

Topic 2- Vascular brain disorders. 

Topic 3- Traumatic brain injury.

Topic 4- Infectious diseases: meningitis; encephalitis; brain abscess.

Topic 5- traumatic spinal cord injury.

Topic 6- Other conditions of the spinal cord: spinal congenital abnormalities (Myelomeningocele ). Syringomyelia. Friedrich 's Ataxia .

Topic 7- Neurological disorders in pediatric patient: cerebral palsy.


Topic 8- Nerve injury, basic concepts. Obstetric brachial plexus palsy

Topic 9- Facial paralysis. Peripheral vertigo .

Topic 10- Traumatic peripheral nerve injury in the upper extremity

Topic 11- Traumatic peripheral nerve injury in the lower extremity

Topic 12- Nerve entrapment syndormes of extremities.

Topic 13- Inflammatory radiculopathies and polineuropathies (Guillain Barré syndrome). Metabolic polineuropathies. Radiculopathy from a hernia disc.       


Introduction Medical-surgical diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Topic 14- Arterial and venous vascular trauma.

Topic 15- Obliteración arterial aguda.

Topic 16- Chronic occlusive arterial diseases. Buerger's disease. Diabetic foot.

Topic 17- Other vascular conditions: aneurysms, arteriovenous fistulas, functional arterial disease.

Topic 18- Venous diseases: chronic venous insufficiency, deep vein thrombosis, thromboembolism, post-thrombotic syndrome.

Topic 19- Lymphatic system diseases: lymphangitis, adenitis, adenophlegmon, lymphedema and venous - lymphatic edema.


Topic 20- Ischaemic heart disease.

Topic 21- Cardiopericardial trauma

Topic 22- Cardiac transplant.


5.4. Course planning and calendar

Calendar of face-to-face sessions and presentation of Works

- Theoretical classes in a large group: 4h / week in the first semester

- Seminars in two groups: 7h / semester distributed in 3 seminars (for each group)

- Individual work delivery: last school day of January

- Voluntary theory examination: (eliminates subject matter) half-term

- Final official examination of theory of the whole subject at the end of the first semester (date approved by the center)

- Test of final control of seminars at the end of the first semester